Management to Sports Management

An opportunity to gain an associate degree from Delaware Tech and a bachelor's degree from Wilmington University.

Your Path to a Bachelor's Degree

Delaware Tech has established agreements with four-year colleges and universities that connect Delaware Tech associate degree programs with bachelor's degree programs to create smooth transfer opportunities for you. These Connected Degree programs enable you to complete your associate degree and then transfer to a four-year degree program as a junior.

The Connected Degree 2+2 Curriculum

Delaware Tech's accredited associate degree program in Management will prepare the graduate for management positions in different types of organizational settings in all sectors of the business world. The student will gain a broad based knowledge of support fields such as accounting, law, computers and communications. You will gain knowledge and skills in specific areas of management such as resource training and development, project management, organizational behavior and strategy development. Wilmington University's Bachelor of Science degree program in Sports Management combines industry-specific courses with a broad business education in such areas as accounting, human resources, and marketing which provide students with the skills necessary to succeed in the corporate areas of this field. Experienced faculty focus on preparing students with the skills, confidence and practical experience needed to secure a position at community parks and recreation agencies; intercollegiate athletic programs, youth sport association; amateur and professional athletic associations and more.

Value For You

By completing your associate degree at Delaware Tech, you'll receive excellent instruction in small classes at a campus close to home. Delaware Tech's affordable tuition can reduce the overall cost of your college education, making the completion of your bachelor's degree more manageable.

Making The Connection

Refer to the Connected Degree curriculum for the sequence of courses needed to complete this program. Call Delaware Tech and let us help you follow the path to your bachelor's degree.

Connected Degree Curriculum - Suggested Course Sequence

Management (Associate Degree - Delaware Technical Community College)

Semester 1 (Fall)

Course Title Credits
ACC 101 Accounting I 4
BUS 101 Introduction to Business 3
CIS 107 Intro to Computers/Application 3
ENG 101 Critical Thinking & Academic Affairs 3
MAT 140 Essentials of College Algebra or 4
MAT 153 College Math and Statistics 4

Semester 2 (Spring)

Course Title Credits
ACC 112 Accounting II 4
ECO 111 Macroeconomics 3
ENG 102 Composition and Research 3
MAT 255 Business Statistics 3
MGT 212 Principles of Management 3

Semester 3 (Fall)

Course Title Credits
CIS 112 Spreadsheet/Graphics or 3
OAT 152 Excel Level I 3
ECO 122 Microeconomics 3
ENG 124 Oral Communications or 3
ENG 122 Technical Writing & Communication or 3
ENG 160 Business Communication 3
MGT 218 Small Business Management 3
MKT 212 Principles of Marketing 3

Semester 4 (Spring)

Course Title Credits
BUS 203 Business Law 3
HRM 224 Training and Development 3
MGT 231 Human Resource Management 3
ENT 220 Leadership 3
BUS 275 Portfolio/Experiential Learning (Advisor Approval Required) 3

Sports Management (Bachelor's Degree - Wilmington University)

Semester 5 (Fall)

Course Title Credits
BBM 301 Organizational Behavior 3
BBM 320 Business Communications 3
MIS 320 Management Information Systems 3
SPM 301 Legal & Ethical Issues in Sports 3
SPM 305 Sports Management I 3

Semester 6 (Spring)

Course Title Credits
BBM 411 Operations & Systems Management 3
SPM XXX Business Elective (300/400)+ 3
SPM 302 Sociology of Sport 3
SPM 405 Sports Management II 3
SPM XXX Business Elective (300/400)+ 3

Semester 7 (Fall)

Course Title Credits
FIN 305 Financial Management 3
SPM 306 Sports Media 3
SPM 406 Sports Facilities Management 3
SPM 490 SPM Internship I 3
SPM XXX Business Elective (300/400)+ 3

Semester 8 (Spring)

Course Title Credits
BBM 402 Strategic Management 3
SPM 408 Financing Sports Operations 3
SPM 491 SPM Internship II 3
SPM XXX Business Elective (300/400)+ 3

+Students may take the course or Co-Op option

The Bachelor of Science program in Sports Management requires a minimum of 120 credits. Course sequencing may vary by semester. See your advisor.

For More Information Contact:

Delaware Tech
Dover: (302) 857-1772
Georgetown: (302) 259-6665
Wilmington: (302) 573-5428

Wilmington University
Dover, Delaware: (302) 734-2594
Georgetown, Delaware: (302) 856-5780
New Castle, Delaware: (877) 967-5464

This articulation agreement is subject to change based on Delaware Tech and senior institution curriculum changes. 06/2015